Our Vision
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After years in contact with patient families, healthcare professional, health authorities and the pharmaceutical industry we have seen the gap between the communication and the needs. From this gathered observations Dhygee has developed a user-friendly software system to help patients and their families manage those difficult disease and provide instant and precise feedback to their physician. This medical device already combined with a telemedicine system will improve patient management, clinical practice, doctor’s knowledge, avoid sanitary scandal and reduce healthcare costs.

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About Us
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This project emerged from the combined and joined experience of our past lives. We have over 18 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. We have worked in the field of neuroscience, epilepsy, rare disease, oncology, vaccines, paediatrics and medical device. We had positions in marketing, medical and science liaison, clinical trial, digital health, regulatory affairs and sales. We have experience working form big pharma, up to very small companies and consulting. We have an international work experience with a coverage of over 35 countries. Finally, we are bringing our multicultural environment with our 4 nationalities.
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Co-Founder & Chief Medical Officer
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Purple care is a user friendly, multi-language, digital healthcare solution combined with a telemedicine system. This solution is a disease management tool for epileptic patients. The system allows a better patient follow-up and therefore improves the taking in charge of patients and its outcome.
For security purposes all data are encrypted and stored according to the latest GDPR European regulation on authorised Healthcare data servers.
The App is FREE TO USE and with no ADVERTISING and has NO LINK or CONFLICT OF INTEREST with any pharmaceutical company.
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Patient's interface
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This solution has been designed for patients and caregivers to share feedback, experience, and recommendation for a better disease management. PurpleCare offers a treatment log to help in the treatment management (reminders of treatment and doses), also allows you to share patient real-life treatment and practice with your doctor.
The App presents a seizure log to record your seizures (you can even record with your smartphone’s camera and share the video with your healthcare professional). You can chat or even have a videocall with your healthcare professional.
The App gives full control as a user to share information. You can select to which healthcare professional you give access to the recorded information. You can revoke this access at any time from your App. A user can also use the App for his/her daily disease management without sharing any information to anyone.

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Patient's tutorial videos
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Healthcare interface
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For healthcare professionals the system is full web based. No need to install any new software. It is fully customizable according to their needs and practice. They can easily access all the patient shared data for review and to give recommendation or to avoid patient unneeded travel to the hospital and to the doctor’s practice.
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Healthcare professional tutorial videos
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Publications & Statement
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Telemedicine and the challenge of epilepsy management at the time of COVID-19 pandemic
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"Recently, a health application including all these features has been developed and is going to be marketed for use in Android and Apple mobile phones under the name PurpleCare™ (information can be found online at: www.dhygee.com). As part of the medical community, we hope that healthcare authorities will support this kind of technology in the near future."
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COVID-19 & Digital/Telemedecine WEBINAR
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"PurpleCare an electronic seizure diary, a video camera for seizure recording, a reminder for drug administration, and a system of video- and audio-communication for exchange of information with caring physician."

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Francesco Brigo, M.D.
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Chairman of the Commission “Epilepsy & Internet” of the Italian Chapter of International League against Epilepsy
“I have collaborated with DHYGEE to develop PurpleCare from an early stage, providing clinical inputs and advising on research methods”
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Our Awards
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- All
- Hacking Healthcamp 2019
- IFAH Congress 2019
- LICE Congress 2019
- T4M Stuttgart 2019